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Monday, September 21, 2009

The Informant!

Actors: Matt Damon
Scott Bakula
Joel McHale

Main Character: Mark Whitacre

Setting: Decatur, IL in the 90's

Mark Whitacre (Matt Damon) is an executive with ADM (Archer Daniels Midland) in the 90's. He gets wind of a price fixing scheme within ADM so he goes to the FBI (Scott Bakula and Joel McHale). He becomes an informant. About a half an hour into the show some lady got a heart attack in front of me. I am not making this up! She was alert but they carried her out on a stretcher. The lights went up for about a half an hour. I think she was okay but they took her to the hospital. So I didn't the last 10 minutes of this movie because my bus came. (Remember the half an hour while they took care of the heart attack victim). I got a free ticket, though. I think I will go see Jennifer's Body starring Megan Fox on Thursday. I will wait and see The Informant! when it comes out on video. It is very hard to explain. It's a true story. The End.


  1. Hi Chris,

    It was nice seeing you today! Oh my goodness, I hope the woman who had a heart attack is okay!
    I'm sorry you did not get to see the whole movie. Enjoy your weekend and I'll see you next week!


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Chris!

    It sounds like you had a very exciting day following therapy! Do you think that I should still go see The Informant? Or should I wait until it comes out on DVD? I'll see you on Monday!

    Liz from Nazareth College
