Actors: Asa Butterfield
Jack Scanlon
Main Characters: Bruno
Setting: World War II Germany
Bruno (Asa Butterfield) is an eight year old boy. His father is head of an extermination camp. Bruno is inside his house. Four walls surround his house so he cannot leave. He can only play in the front yard. One day he sees what he thinks is a farm and he devises a way to get outside the four walls and go and explore the farm. When he does so he discovers an extermination camp. He befriends another eight year old boy who is inside the extermination camp. He is named is Shmuel (Jack Scanlon). Bruno asks Shmuel why he wears striped pajamas and he says "we are Jews and every body wears striped pajamas inside this camp". Bruno says he would like to explore the extermination camp. They devise a plan to burrow under the electrified fence. Bruno puts on striped pajamas to look like the Jews. Once Bruno is inside he goes looking for Shmuel's father. He and Shmuel go in to a building and a voice says "everybody outside". They go to another room where everyone is killed. Bruno's father noticed he was missing. He goes to look for him and the death camp but it is too late. The End.
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